Saturday, August 4, 2012

Apples and Chalkdust

It's almost back-to-school time!  Stores are stocked with school supplies, the weather is changing and, I'm being drawn back to my classroom.  Time for a school-themed table!

This table is a re-creation of a table I did with my sister several years ago for a local Tour of Tables fundraiser. 

I used Fiesta dishes and accessories in Juniper and Cinnabar.  I don't recall where I got the cute apple glasses.

Mini-chalkboards can serve as place cards.

Many of the table decorations have been given to me by friends and family through the years.  Note the vintage "Dick and Jane" reader.

The cute little desk in the photo below is actually a picture frame.  I put a teacher-themed thank you card into the frame.

The pot below is another teacher-themed gift I received.

This book, which I received from a student, was the original inspiration for this table title and theme.

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