Monday, August 20, 2012

Here Comes the Bride!

This gold and white table was inspired by son's recent wedding in which the couple's wedding clothes and reception tables featured this elegant color combination.

Above: the couple exchanging rings in a traditional Cambodian wedding ceremony surrounded by the wedding officiant and their attendants. 

My white wedding china was once again pressed into service on a gold tablecloth along with Longchamp crystal goblets and accessory pieces.

I used three mirror tiles, gold beads (from my Christmas decorations box) and white candles to recreate the ambiance of the ballroom where the wedding reception was held.

 Above is the one of the 26 tables at the reception.  I got to help put chair covers on, tie gold sashes around every other chair, and finish off the centerpieces.  Can you imagine...26 tables??  I was in heaven.

Close up (above) of reception centerpieces.  Can you see the photographer's (my daughter) reflection in the beads?

The centerpiece makes an interesting shadow on the white tablecloth.

The happy couple at the reception (above) now in traditional American wedding clothes and their first dance (below).

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