Friday, July 5, 2013

Fun on the Fourth

When dear MIL and FIL joined our family for dinner on the evening of the 4th of July this year, the occasion called for a patriotic display.

My Fiesta dishes (in scarlet, cobalt, lapis, and periwinkle) were once again called into service.

I love this little red disk pitcher.  It served as a flag holder in this setting.

Each place setting was topped with U.S.-themed wooden ornament (purchased shortly after 9-11-2001).

A flag-themed place mat anchored the centerpiece which consisted of various patriotic pieces.

As I am the lucky owner of 12 flag napkins, I was able to adorn the six chairs with a little Independence Day color.

Not wanting to be left out, the adjoining living room also took on a patriotic theme.  I discovered that these barn stars could double as candle holders.

Let Freedom Ring!

Many of these items decorated my middle son's bedroom which had a red, white and blue color scheme.  The bedroom has since been redecorated.  I love giving things a new purpose.

Here's a shot of the table and adjoining living room.  Don't know if you can tell, but the TV is showing that all-American past time of baseball - MN Twins vs. New York Yankees.

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