Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rah, Rah, Rah for Ski-U-Mah! (Rah for the U of M!)

With one son currently attending the University of Minnesota and another one planning to apply this fall, a University of Minnesota table was inevitable.

Hosta leaves and marigold blooms from my yard create a maroon and gold centerpiece.

An extra large fleece blanket featuring U of MN logos was pressed into service as a tablecloth.

 Goldie Gopher stickers continue the U of MN theme on the napkins.

My son's chemistry book, safety goggles, and folders were placed under the floral arrangement.

The boys' t-shirts were put on the chair backs.

 I used cinnabar, marigold, ivory, and sunflower Fiesta pieces.

Sam just completed his freshman year in biomedical engineering.  J.T. is also contemplating applying to the College of Science and Engineering with a major in computer engineering.

No fan table is complete without a foam finger!

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